Found a beautiful piece of art but not quite sure if it’s the right size for your wall?

Choosing the right size artwork for your wall can be difficult. There are a few important factors to consider. My tip is to get some painter’s tape and mask up an outline of the frame size on your wall. Stand back and see how the proportions feel.


Keep in mind the style of artwork... If it is a really loud and colourful artwork with lots of busy patterns, it is going to feel much bigger in the space because it will have a stronger, overpowering presence.

If you’re thinking about a softer, more subdued artwork that feels more restful, you could go for a larger artwork without it feeling too overpowering. 


Think about the colours, are they bold and dark? Or light and pastel? The colour will have a big impact on what role the artwork performs in the space. Bright and bold colours will always feel like they take up more room and command more of a presence in the space than what softer, pastel colours will.

IMPORTANT - Don’t leave the tape on too long and I would advise just to tack it on lightly, don’t stick it down too hard because you don’t want to ruin your paint when you peel the tape off! Painter’s tape is less sticky than masking tape.

Click on link below for tips on choosing the right painters tape:


Compare the two images below (both with the same sized artwork) to see how the colours and style of the artworks work differently within the space and give a different perception of size.